Am Sat, 20 Feb 2010 13:14:37 +0100
schrieb "m.wolkstein@email-addr-hidden" <m.wolkstein@email-addr-hidden>:
> hi, thx to all. i learn something more.
> in my case i was only interested on midi clock. but now i plan to make a flexible
> standard implementation in this way.
> hydrogen will support midi clock as slave and master.
> as slave hydrogen receives:
> midi clock (0xF8) 24midi clocks in every quarter note,
> midi start (0xFA),
> midi stop (0xFC),
> midi continue (0xFB),
> to snap to songpositions if status is stop h2 get position informations via song
> position pointer(spp) (0xF2).
> as master, hydrogen sends information in the way it receive the information's.
> if internal sequencer is stopped hydrogen sends spp.
> if people arrange songs with complexer beats than 4/4, all involved sequencers have to
> know the timeline. e.g 3/4|4/4|3/4|7/8| and so on.
> i think user interface can looks like this.
> status led blinks in quarter notes. red as master, green as slave.
> for humans the led can blink yellow or what ever on each first quarter into a bar.
> two check-boxes or buttons switch all conditions.
> button one can toggle the whole midi clock on/off.
> button two switch between master/slave.
> more words over syncing the playback you can find here.
> i will use this specs as reference.
> greetings wolke
i have made a hydrogen send/receive midi-clock, start/stop and spp implementation.
at first only for alsa.
i test the spp and midi clock functionality mostly with renoise.
this happens because i dont' know how muse, rosegarden and qtractor will send midi clock :/.
the renoise settings are simple to understand for me. at least to get all things working as espected.
known problems:
1. send spp do sometimes strange things. mostly if the hydrogen patten size is > 16.
2. the preferences midi clock slider to adjust tempo violations/drifts on midi targets
have to adjust on first start. this is because the the hydrogen.conf becomes new nodes.
this is obsolete if you install this version of hydrogen by using scons install. than the new default.hydrogen.conf will also installed.
if not you can edit the hydrogen.conf and include this lines.
already existing lines:
new lines:
here is a screen shot from the new hydrogen midi sync settings-tab.
if somebody is interested to test the feature, please checkout the midiclock_spp branche.
greetings wolke
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