On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 5:16 PM, Dan Mills <dmills@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> This sort of issue is what the ALSA midi sequencer is really intended to
> fix, by making midi timing a kernel problem rather then a user space
> one.
the mistake there is that it makes the once-reasonable assumption that
the required timing could only be accomplished in the kernel. this was
once true, but its not anymore.
>It sort of solves HALF the problem, in that it makes getting midi
> messages out on time more or less possible (at least on paper), but it
> does nothing for reliably timestamping incoming midi using a clock that
> can be related simply to the audio sample clock and which would thus be
> useful when building software synths.
IIRC, you can set the clock source on an ALSA sequence queue to be the
clock based on a PCM device.
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Received on Mon Jul 5 08:15:02 2010
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