On Wednesday 21 July 2010 21:20:45 Ralf Mardorf wrote:
> Just keep in mind that we have two ears and any math or analog recording
> with more virtual ears is suspect, regarding to a natural impression.
Excuse me, that is bullsh**.
Yes, we only have two ears. But that two ears hear sound from all around them
they can distinguish between front/rear and top-down for sources with equal
distance to both ears trough the unique shape of the head.
And surround/ambisonics/wfs is not about feeding a stereo signal to the ears
to re-create the signal the ears hear, its about recreating the sources all
around the head to recreate what the ears hear (if they were there). And for
that you _need_ math and more electronic ears! The more you have, the
Have fun,
[*] Can be proven by double-blind-tests, just ask your local ambisonics-freak.
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