On July 26, 2010 09:07:35 pm you wrote:
> On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 12:29 AM, Tim E. Real <termtech@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > trust me it will look great at the expense of only 28 extra pixels for
> > the minimum height over the original - it's all you can really do, man:
> >
> > Remove the -72 and -108 dB marks on all the monitor sliders
> > in volume.c: draw_24bit_attenuator_scale_markings().
> >
> > Remove the -42 and -54 dB marks from the DAC sliders in
> > volume.c: draw_dac_scale_markings().
> >
> > Remove the -18, -30, -42, -54, -60 dB markings from the ADC
> > sliders in volume.c:draw_adc_scale_markings().
> >
> > Change the level meter heights by changing
> > gtk_widget_set_usize(drawing, 24, (60 * tall_equal_mixer_ht + 204));
> > to
> > gtk_widget_set_usize(drawing, 24, (60 * tall_equal_mixer_ht + 168));
> >
> > in envy24control.c: create_mixer_frame().
> >
> > Trust me they'll love it !
> Thanks! Yes, it does look better. I've applied these suggestions to my
> current sources and they'll be part of an upcoming release that
> addresses the issues...
> If you have any suggestions on getting rid of the annoying
> detent/hysteresis as you move the sliders past the markings, that
> would be great.
> -- Niels.
> http://nielsmayer.com
Sure, NP I'll take a look.
Good news!
As I mentioned in a follow-up to another thread, I found a bunch
more dB related functions.
I tested replacing the code in volume.c:dac_volume_to_db() and
adc_volume_to_db() with a call to ALSA's snd_ctl_convert_to_dB().
The results are identical! And better for ADC compatibility, right?
Now comes the fun part. Coming up with an Al-Gore-rithm to
handle the scale markings using these ALSA functions -
how many 6dB steps we have, which ones to display, the range, etc.
It occurred to me 'dynamic markings': If the user expands
more, or less, vertically, then more, or less, markings should appear.
But it's still tricky - we want it to look the way I suggested above,
with more markings concentrated around the 0dB point, whenever
we are forced to compromise by removing marks.
Ultimately, at minimum height it must look like that - it's a compromise,
until a (better) solution comes up.
Also I see there is something called TLV based dB conversion where
I think it's a table or can be an arbitrary function. Must study more.
For now here's the code, throw it inside
dac_volume_to_db() and
adc_volume_to_db() but *replace* DAC_VOLUME_NAME with ADC_VOLUME_NAME,
and I believe mixer_volume_to_db() and wherever else required.
Do you need a patch?
Hope this is OK, not sure how many members to set in struct snd_ctl_elem_id.
List members, does it look OK?
char* dac_volume_to_db(int ival) {
if (ival != 0) {
// Use ALSA functions to get dB values.
long db_gain = 0;
float fval;
snd_ctl_elem_id_t *elem_id;
snd_ctl_elem_id_set_interface(elem_id, SND_CTL_ELEM_IFACE_MIXER);
snd_ctl_elem_id_set_name(elem_id, DAC_VOLUME_NAME);
snd_ctl_convert_to_dB(ctl, elem_id, ival, &db_gain);
fval = ((float)db_gain / 100.0);
sprintf(temp_label, "%+2.1f", fval);
return (temp_label) ;
// Rest of function ('off' part). ]
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