Re: [LAD] [LAU] mudita24 1.02 -- improved envy24control mixer/router for ice1712-based sound-cards

From: Niels Mayer <nielsmayer@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Aug 15 2010 - 21:13:48 EEST

Now that I've already hit "send"...

The last message suggested replacing "Monitor Inputs" for the digital
mixer, which doesn't actually make sense, if you want to level the
inputs for further recording/processing by a DAW or external app.
You'd still want to level the inputs properly and then additionally,
apply small amounts of attenuation as needed to make the monitor mix
via ice1712's digital mixer.

Thus, the originally suggested "Monitor Inputs" panel w/ 0 to -60dB
sliders makes sense for controlling the digital mixer constituents.
From this perspective, my last message didn't make sense...

What would make sense is the way suggested of presenting the 0 to
-48dB meters alongside +18 to -63dB ADC gain/attenuation, by creating
fake zones in the metering to "cover "-48 to -60 and 0 to +18dB.

All of which would mean changing "Analog Volumes" to add metering.
That is a change I thought we might be able to skip in the previous
message. Consider my comments as a suggestion for how to represent
meters in "Analog Volumes" should you be working on some of the
discussed changes...

-- Niels
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun, 15 Aug 2010 11:13:48 -0700

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