Re: [LAD] LADSPA: Learing the basics of plugins

From: Gordon JC Pearce <gordonjcp@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sat Nov 20 2010 - 20:50:02 EET

On Sat, 2010-11-20 at 17:36 +0000, Harry Van Haaren wrote:
> Hey all,
> I've began learning about the LADSPA standard, read the comments in
> the header, read the info,
> but still I wouldnt know where to start with writing my own code to
> make a plugin process a buffer.
> So my request is as follows, is there a "here's 20 lines of code to
> process a buffer" tutorial somewhere?
> I've downloaded the SDK, but reading trough the "applyplugin.c" code
> confused me more than it helped...
> 800+ lines is more than I can understand in one go.. :-)
> Cheers for any suggestions.. -Harry

Look at something like one of the simple amplifier plugins, that just
takes in a buffer, multiplies all the samples by a variable amount, and
spits them back out.

Gordon MM0YEQ

Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Nov 21 00:15:02 2010

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