for my part I think I will pull my skills more into the direction of
for it seems that GUI-Guys are needed too.
I don't know if I will focus on fltk, gtkmm or qt4 ... will spend the
weekend RTFM-ing.
regards, saschas
2011/1/7 Jeremy <jeremybubs@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hi Malte,
> So I've been working on converting it some more. If you could give me some
> pointers as to the meaning of variables, that would be useful.
> What are the EG... variables, like "EG", "EGFaktor","EGtrigger", and
> "EGState"?
> Also if you're looking for a channel stealing algorithm, try this:
> the type of a synth engine is "synth"
> typedef struct _synthblock {
> _synthblock* next;
> _synthblock* previous;
> synth item;
> } synthblock;
> Initially, you start out using the synthblock as an element of a singly
> linked list of free synths. You only need to use the "next", pointer, and
> can ignore the "previous" pointer. You can either only keep track of the
> head, and use it as a stack, or you can keep track of the head and the tail
> and use it as a queue. Either way, adding is a constant time operation, and
> taking the most recently or least recently used one is also a constant time
> operation.
> Then, you have an array which keeps track of which notes are on.
> synthblock* currentnotes[NUM_MIDINOTES];
> When you get a note-on signal, you pop the first synth block off of the
> "free synth" list, and then you add a pointer to it in this array, indexed
> according to what note it is playing. However, you also add it to the
> doubly linked list of which synths are playing, again, a constant time
> operation, because you are just twiddling with the next and previous
> pointers of two blocks. Now, the array contains a pointer to a block which
> is in the doubly linked list.
> Now, when you want all the synths to process, you can iterate through the
> doubly linked list, and thus you only need to process the ones that are
> playing notes.
> When you receive a note off signal, you look up the note in the array, and
> then remove that item from the doubly linked list, and add it to the singly
> linked one.
> In the end, you can do everything in constant time (or O(number of notes
> being played))
> Anyway, I don't know if it's pointless for me to put my ideas here, but I'll
> probably implement it too, if this doesn't make sense now.
> Jeremy
> On Thu, Jan 6, 2011 at 3:36 PM, Malte Steiner <steiner@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> On 06.01.2011 12:48, Jeremy wrote:
>>> Yes. Except it seems that you can select different settings for each of
>>> your voices. This doesn't really make sense if you are automatically
>>> assigning the notes to synth engines. I think perhaps the best way
>>> would be to have one set of settings for *all* copies of the synth
>>> engine, and if you want different settings, then you'd have to create
>>> another copy of the plugin.
>> Yes, each voice has a different sound and response to a fixed midichannel,
>> 1 for the first, 2 for the second voice and so on...
>> Actually I find it rather interesting to have different settings between
>> automatically assigned notes. For instance with slightly different sounds it
>> even would become more alive.
>> But yes, for the average usage it would be great to just copy the settings
>> across the voices.
>> The channel stealing algorhythm kept me from implementing polyphony so
>> far, got to study that...
>> A while ago I was against the idea of plugins but actually find it now
>> usefull for recalling sessions. It would be great to stuff PD, Csound or
>> AlsaModularSynth into a sequencer. So far I know that you can create LADSPA
>> plugs with Faust and Csound but instruments??
>> Cheers,
>> Malte
>> --
>> ----
>> media art + development
>> http://www.block4.com
>> new on iTunes: Notstandskomitee Automatenmusik
>> http://itunes.apple.com/us/album/automatenmusik/id383400418
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