Basically a bug fixing release but with a number of new opcodes etc
==John ffitch
Notes for 5.13
New Opcodes:
farey sequence opcodes
median opcode
filevalid opcode
Real random number generators using /dev/random (Linux only)
pvstanal opcode -- phase vocoder analysis by reading function tables
mincer opcode -- Phase-locked vocoder processing
temposcal opcode -- Phase-locked vocoder processing with onset
pvswarp opcode -- Warp the spectral envelope of a PVS signal
pvslock opcode -- Frequency lock an input fsig
New Gen and Macros:
INF macro added to orchestras; z read as infinity in scores
GEN for support of farey sequences
Modified Opcodes and Gens:
init changed to allow multiple inits in on statement
maxalloc, cpuperc, instcount now accept named instruments
If normalisation in pow opcodes is zero treat as 1
inch can take upto 20 inputs and outputs
pvscale and pvsmix now have very good spectral envelope preservation
modes (1 = filtered cepstrum, 2 = true envelope).
oscil1 could be static if the duration was long; now there is a
positive minimum increment.
GEN49 now uses search paths
pvsvoc enhanced with new spectral envelope preservation code.
Bugs fixed:
Count of lines fixed in orchestras, and \ inside strings
Fast tab opcodes made safe from crashes
% in formated printing could crash
Double free in fgen fixed
sndwarp quietened (gave too many messages)
gen41 deals with positive probabilities
adsynt reworked removing many bugs
adsynt2 phase error fixed
atonex/tonex did wrong operation
Bug in max number of gens fixed
mp3in could repeat sound at end of file
Better checking in grain4
modulus was wrong in new parser
Better checking in adsyn
changed opcode initialised to zero
Serious bug in tabmorphia fixed
GEN49 has serious bug removed, so no longer incorrect silences.
Partikkel opcode: fixed bug in sub-sample grain placement when
using grain rate FM
nchnls_i working correctly
System Changes:
In the new parser only there are operator @ and @@ to round up the
next integer to a power of 2 or powerof2+1
Score sorting made much faster
lineto improved
Named gens allowed
Various printing include instrument name if available
Command option to omit loading a library
Number of out channels no longer constrained to be number of in
Many fixes to new parser
More use of Warnings than Messages (allows for them to be switched
csoundSetMessageCallback reset if callback set to null
usual collection of gratuitous minor changes, layout and comments
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Thu Jan 27 00:15:03 2011
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