On January 28, 2011 08:06:18 pm you wrote:
> On Sat, Jan 29, 2011 at 2:43 AM, Tim E. Real <termtech@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > On January 27, 2011 04:35:47 pm Christopher Cherrett wrote:
> >> Could the community please review the attribution so we may continue
> >> with our journey? This attribution appears on the website, github,
> >> README and anywhere else you guys need to see it.
> >
> > From the GPL section 5:
> > a) The work must carry prominent notices stating that you modified it,
> > and giving a relevant date.
> >
> > I still don't see anything in the about box or the oo website mentioning
> > this. And as was mentioned here, you cannot claim sole copyright.
> >
> > Is this what you call attribution? Erasing every last mention of muse,
> > even in comments?
> >
> > I received permission from Josh, the Fluidsynth and Swami author, to use
> > the fluidsynth logo, on condition of attribution in AUTHORS, where I
> > added his name.
> > But you have removed his name from AUTHORS. That is wrong.
> >
> > I'm sorry but "Special Thanks to the MusE developers" in the AUTHORS
> > doesn't cut it. It sounds like we simply helped with a module or
> > something.
> >
> > Browsing, you removed my name and stamp from the top of at least one
> > file: README.effects-rack, and put your name there.
> > If I understand the GPL, you are not to remove such attributions,
> > anywhere. Yes Alex, *I* wrote that several hundred word essay, not *you*
> > ,on how to use the effects rack. That was after I spent 2 weeks fixing
> > the rack.
> >
> > Do you know who has contributed much of the thousands of lines in
> > the MusE ChangeLog over the past five years? Me.
> > But you wouldn't know that since you completely removed the ChangeLog.
> > So again, you have removed *many* attributions there, mine and many
> > others who worked on MusE. I would never do that.
> >
> > What is this shining piece of software you 'professionals' make?
> > Where can I buy a copy so I can call you up the same day, and tell you,
> > quote, "it sucks", and demand changes, and you will do it the same day,
> > for free? Really, I'd like to know. Please tell me what it is.
> >
> > Yes, only you know how software should be. Let us all bow down and do
> > things your way.
> >
> > I try very hard to accommodate all requests.
> > But a group of developers pestering me to fix dozens
> > of things within mere hours or days due to some 'urgency', is sick.
> > Not one single patch contributed to us. Nothing.
> > Why don't YOU spend five years of your lives learning the code?
> >
> > Do you care that I just finished the soloing system, as you requested?
> > I clearly marked all changes to help you guys, even after the fork.
> >
> > BTW You owe Orcan so much gratitude.
> > He personally converted many thousands of lines of MusE code and UIs to
> > Qt4, while you guys lurked on the side waiting for us to finish.
> > Without him, OOM2 and MusE2 are nothing.
> >
> > Tim.
> Attribution has been added as requested.
> We'll add the history attribution in the about box as soon as we have
> the chance.
> The lurking insinuation is nonsense and you know it. We didn't
> "pester" you fix things, we were willing to do it ourselves, but you
> said no, more than once, as you wanted to do it yourself, as only you
> could do it, or at least that's what you told us.
Nope. Shall I dig up the logs where the whole lot of you kept coming at me?
One request after another as I tried to cope.
Do it yourselves? Nope. You asked me to do much of the stuff.
But you didn't understand the work involved, the can of coding worms that
it was opening. Why didn't you go ahead and do it and give us patches?
I asked, and nothing.
> I didn't change the Readme as a direct challenge to you, it was a
> mistake on my part, and i noted the date in case there was a problem.
> Why would i do this knowing you'd be waiting in the wings to jump and
> find something wrong?
> If you have the courage to do this in a mature fashion going forward,
> then let us know privately if we've missed anything else.
And if you had the courage to do this right, I would not have to defend
our work now.
> We've added a changelog.muse to the git repo, and we'll reference it
> in the changelog. As a courtesy, we'll also add a reference to muse in
> the already maintained copyright section in each file.
> Is that suitable for you?
Yes this sounds good so far, thank you.
> Alex.
> p.s. Orcan and Robert continue to have my respect, because at least
> they tried to handle this in a mature and adult manner.
Blah blah blah. Oh yes you're so very mature.
Was I rude? Did I swear at you? Never. I made every effort to accommodate
and communicate with you in a mature manner.
If nobody here piped up about this, you likely would have done nothing.
So I took a parting shot. Big deal. Get over it. "Calm down".
No worse than when I was told "the MusE look sucks", is it?
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