On Mon, Feb 07, 2011 at 12:07:56PM +0200, kallipygos@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> How i do write my own DSP plugin for jack?
> How my plugin can ioctl() detect current samplerate,
> endianess, nr channels,
> samples interleaved or not, ... and maybe some more stream
> parameters.
You couldn't be more wrong here. ;) You don't do ioctl, you don't talk
to the soundcard. You have as many channels as you define, you only have
mono channels (no interleaving), the data format is always float.
Also have a look at the example directory in the jack sourcecode.
> How do compile jack plugins?
> What #includes must be used?
Read the documentation, it's all there. And read simple_client.c.
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