I've forked the Specimen sampler to create Petri-Foo[1]. The main goal
of Petri-Foo was to make the ADSRs and LFOs independent from the items
they modulate (ie amplitude/pitch/etc). This has been achieved and is
quite nice to play with switching modulation sources on the go as a
sequences plays and the output is recorded.
I'm currently overhauling the sample-'editor'. So far I've ported the
deprecated GDK drawing code to Cairo, and prettified the display of
play start/stop and loop start/stop points and areas.
What I want to do next is explained here Sample editor zoom [2]
Your ideas would be welcome in how it should work. I'll try and
implement it. If you're interested subscribe to the Petri-Foo-Devel
Please note though, it's not ready for general usage by inexperienced
users who don't know how to download and compile software from git
repo's nor for users who aren't expecting things to be broken.
[1] http://petri-foo.sourceforge.net/
[2] http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=27069524
[3] https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/petri-foo-devel
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 16 16:15:03 2011
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