On Tue, 2011-02-22 at 17:22 -0500, Paul Giblock wrote:
> Dave,
> I do some work in Qt. Primarily helping to port Lmms to Qt4. I am now
> working on a successor. This host is in Qt4 and uses lv2 as the
> primary plugin api. I desire embedded plugins, so this topic is close
> to my heart.
> Anyways, I would name the URI after Qt4 instead of simply Qt. Qt
> breaks some ABI compatibility in major releases. So, including the 4
> in the name should protect us when 5 is released.
OK, thanks. Does anyone care about 3 any more?
(On a related note, the Gtk one should also have had a version number in
there, but whatever, it's just a name)
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Wed Feb 23 04:15:05 2011
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