Hi, I've written a small program (Leevi is its name) to drive Lexicon
MX300, similar console what Lexicon ships for Windows operating system
along with their devices. Leevi supports Linux and BSD, and needs
either libusb-0 or libusb-1. It does not require any user interface
libraries, as everything is built on libX11, so if you can boot to
runlevel 5, you can run Leevi.
Please note: As Lexicon wasn't very keen to tell me how to talk with
their devices, USB protocol is reverse engineered by me and there are
myriad of things that I haven't yet revealed. Although Leevi is proven
to work without breaking anything, there is always a small change that
something goes wrong. Therefore I don't take any responsibility, you
use Leevi at your own risk. Check BSD License in Leevi's homepage.
Leevi is yet in development stage, changing effect in stereo mode and
changing routing to/from stereo does not yet work. All other features
should be fully functional.
- Jani Salonen
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 25 16:15:02 2011
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