What is needed for a working jack session environment?
I was hoping to be able to use it with qjackctl-0.3.7 and jack-0.120.1
but this fails to work:
1) When "Save and Quit" is selected and "Save.." has finished, nothing quits.
2) Applications rarely start when a session is loaded and the entries
in the session window have red crosses next to them.
I need a working jack session environment because I'm trying to code
and test Petri-Foo's Jack session support.
So far the set session callback returns without error, but the
callback is never called (when using the setup mentioned above).
I briefly tried pyjacksm but get "inconsistent use of tabs and spaces
in indentation" errors (is that because of python3/python2 conflicts
arising from scripts starting with #!/usr/bin/python ? I tried adding
a sed to the AUR PKGBUILD but failed to find the correct
search/replace terms.)
Any help appreciated,
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Received on Wed Apr 13 16:15:02 2011
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