Hello Guerrier!
Well that could end up being a little massy. Depending on spaces in
filenames. You might try something like:
for F in `find ./ -name "*.mp3"`; do
ffmpeg -i "$F" -y -acodec libfaac -ab 192k "$F".m4a;
You could use mmv later on to move the .mp3.m4a files or you can use some
shell magic, I've just seen this recently, I think it worked with percent
signs, but I can't remember the sybntax. If you know about sed or awk, you
could do something like:
O=`echo "$F" | sed -e "+s/\.mp3$/.m4a/g"`
Then your output filename will be $O in the script. I think this is better
than the awk idea. :-)
Warm regards
Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Frightening Absence Just Arriving, Reigns Disappeared, Ornate - flowers!
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