The only thing that struck me is that I'm under the impression that
memory allocation and deallocation, even by the GUI thread, can cause
pauses to the whole process. Hence, a threading model is not enough
for decoupling memory allocation pauses. Can anyone comment on
whether this is true? My impression is that at least a new or malloc
can stimulate a brk()/sbrk(), which will generate a page fault. Not
sure about deallocations.
Of course, a pre-allocated object pool can deal with this.
On Sat, Aug 6, 2011 at 5:57 AM, Florian Paul Schmidt
<mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 08/06/2011 04:23 AM, Florian Paul Schmidt wrote:
>> Hi,
>> during the process of writing a new small jack sampler which fits my
>> workflow I came up with this little scheme to solve the UI/engine decoupling
>> problem. For the purpose of spreading the idea or alternatively getting
>> answers about how it's broken and sucks I decided to write a little article
>> describing it..
>> The (largely unfinished and unusable) sampler project is here:
>> Let me have it..
> I guess I should mention the approach in a nutshell. Assiging a new
> generator (that plays a sample) to the first element of a std::vector of
> generators in the engine the UI would do e.g.:
> engine.commands.write(assign(engine.gens->t[0], p));
> where assign() is a function that builds a functor that dassigns the right
> argument to the left, p is a
> boost::shared_ptr<disposable<generator> >
> or with typedef
> disposable_generator_ptr,
> gens is a
> boost::shared_ptr<disposable<std::vector<boost::shared_ptr<generator> > > >
> or with typedefs:
> boost::shared_ptr<disposable<std::vector<disposable_generator_ptr> >
> or even shorter
> disposable_generator_vector_ptr
> Replacing the whole vector of generators with a new one (after e.g. loading
> a complete setup) wood look like:
> engine.commands.write(assign(engine.gens, v);
> where v would be a disposable_generator_vector_ptr.
> Just calling the set_sample member of a generator would look like this:
> engine.commands.write(&generator::set_sample, engine.gens->t[0]->t, s)
> where s is a disposable_sample_ptr..
> The ->t thingies show up, because every object is wrapped in a disposable<T>
> which has a member t that is the "payload"..
> I wonder if there's an even more elegant approach to cook down the verbosity
> a bit.. What you get, though, for the verbosity is the ability to call
> almost every member of every object in the engine's collection of objects
> without writing extra classes to define a command.. Such is the power of
> boost::bind and boost::function..
> Flo
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