On 10/10/2011 07:55 PM, Michael Ost wrote:
> I'm not totally clear on how SCHED_RR and SCHED_FIFO relate though.
> Would (a) a SCHED_RR/50 thread be run ahead of a SCHED_FIFO/49 thread?
The scheduling policy only determines the ordering within the list of
runnable processes with equal static priority.
> And would (b) a SCHED_RR/50 thread interrupt a running SCHED_FIFO/49
> thread?
All scheduling is preemptive: if a process with a higher static
priority becomes ready to run, the currently running process will be
preempted and returned to the wait list.
Both texts are quotes from `man 2 sched_setscheduler`.
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Received on Tue Oct 11 00:15:02 2011
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