On Sat, 2011-10-15 at 14:59 +0100, Aurélien Leblond wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wondering something about the Naspro LV2 Plugins: Are they
> considered as a workaround until we get the DSSI and LADSPA plugins
> ported to LV2, or more of a "definitive" solution?
> The reason why I'm asking the question is that I'm currently porting
> the AlsaModularSynth internal modules into LV2 plugins for Ingen.
> And when I'm creating synthesizers in AMS, I'm often (if not always)
> using the LADSPA MCP plugins created by Fons Adriaensen.
> So would there be any point porting these MCP plugins to LV2 as well,
> or would the general consensus be "what's the point, we have Naspro
> for that".
Naspro as a project has more applications than bridging LADSPA to LV2.
That said, porting LADSPA plugins to LV2 is definitely the way to go (I
am currently working on blop).
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Received on Sat Oct 15 20:15:02 2011
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