On Friday 04 November 2011 19:18:07 Iain Duncan wrote:
> Hey everyone, especially those who have been helping me with me
> architecture questions. I'm wondering whether some of you would be
> interested in helping in a simple advisory/editorial capacity if I were to
> try to write up a wiki or e-book of some kind on real time audio
> architecture. It seems to me like there is a lot of knowledge here on it,
> and not very many (if any) good starting points for such things. I've found
> decent references on the dsp side of audio coding, but not seen anything on
> 'how to put together a real time audio app from a-z' kind of thing. I find
> writing docs helps me clarify things in my head, I'd be interested in doing
> some writing if I know that people who know what they are doing would be
> interested in advising and correcting. I figured if I put it online it
> might be a good source of publicity for your work and we could link back to
> projects ( ardour, etc, )
> It would take a while of course, but might also help people new to these
> lists and give us all some thing to point at and say: there's a good write
> up on that here ->
> thoughts?
> iain
My master thesis has a chapter named 'Audio applications' which is dedicated
to enumerate the problems and elements that combine for diferent kinds of
audio related application. You may find it interesting.
Also Pau Arumi's PhD thesis have a nice set of design patters for realtime
multimedia systems that can be also useful.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Nov 11 20:15:01 2011
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