Hi again, hijacking this thread to announce that I created a WIKI page
to give a short sumary/tutorial on jiss here (WIP like everything in
jiss right now):
Answering your post further down:
On 11/14/2011 06:10 AM, gene heskett wrote:
> Yeah, the compressor is added 'cause I happen to like that 30db
>> breathing sound ;D The wicked.lua jiss-script itself only sends the midi
>> notes out (in my case to jass which then goes through jack-rack with
>> reverb and compressor)
>> It's maybe not the best example to demonstrate jiss, cause it might put
>> many listeners off (especially with the clipping, too ;D). I'll upload a
>> cleaner rendition sometime tomorrow..
>> Thanks for the comment..
> I almost didn't send that, but the sound reminded me of the sound I
> inherited when I became the CE at WDTV-5, back in '84, here in West
> Virginia. That put me off so much I told the GM I hadn't heard so much
> heavy breathing since shortly after lights out last night, when I asked for
> permission to replace a brand new piece of gear with something I knew would
> do the job and be essentially transparent to the listeners, an old CBS Labs
> AudiMax, followed by, on the other end of the studio-transmitter microwave
> path, an equally ancient CBS Labs FM Volumax. They worked, but it was
> extremely rare and took a trained ear, to detect that they were working.
> As a C.E.T., I had fun keeping them running, first replacing all the small
> electrolytics used for coupling capacitors with paper/mylar, which put a
> stop to the twice annual rebuild by shotgunning all the caps, then
> eventually the gain controlling tetrode nuvistor vacuum tube faded away
> (they are made of pure unobtainium now) and I had to adapt a dual gate
> Mosfet transistor to handle that. But those 2 processors made it to about
> 50 years old by the time we switched to all digital in mid 2008.
I can never hope to have my software reach that age and still function
;D Too much dirty hacking for that :D
> Now I'm going to wander off topic, sort of.
Please feel free :D
> Frankly, broadcasters sorely need such a characteristic device in the
> digital path right now, and if some enterprising coder were to write that
> code to interface with the usual EIA digital audio format, and build it
> into a black box with the usual connectors on it, he/she would find
> themselves busier than that famous cat on the equally famous tin roof until
> they had filled up the market, which is, here in the states, 1500 to 2000
> tv stations. Multiply that by the number of channels the digital
> broadcaster is using today, which for us is 4, and you'll have to hire help
> building them for 2 or 3 years.
Sounds like a plan. I might actually look into that. I'm unemployed atm,
that's why i have time to hack on jass and jiss, so creating something
like that might be an option.. Even if it takes some serious
research/hacking/board-design, etc.. Free time is almost all you need
these days to create stuff. It's a bit more resource-intensive to create
a box with the required interface, but that is kinda independent of the
software actually running on the device..
> I don't know if there is all that much info out on the net on how the
> Audimax worked, but surely any patents have long since expired. In the
> maintenance manual there was a rather complex test method to determine if
> it was working correctly, but its only controls were input and output gain
> T-pads so one could establish the correct internal levels for optimum
> operation.
> The Volumax is much easier to explain as it was designed to prevent HF over
> modulation only, caused by the 17db of pre-emphasis the 75 microsecond
> boost caused, allowing full mid-range levels, but rolling off the high end
> to prevent the HF stuff from exceeding the allowed occupied bandwidth,
> +-75khz for FM's and +-25khz for tv. Its gain control response was sub
> millisecond, both ways. But in digital, no such control is needed, but we
> surely, sorely need the equ of the Audimax.
> In fact, that is one of the reasons I have remained subscribed to this
> list. If somebody does this, I will be in the GM's office asking for a
> P.O. for 4 of them tomorrow morning. So please somebody do it before I
> fall over. Now 77 YO& diabetic, retired (insert laugh track here, they
> never really let you) for 9 years, I still appear to have that sort of
> clout on the 2nd floor.
> Thanks Flo.
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