Am Donnerstag, den 24.11.2011, 14:21 -0500 schrieb David Robillard:
> Middle click to "go here" is a convention from scroll bars dating back
> to the dawn of X11. Using something easily done accidentally (and
> unknowingly) for learn doesn't seem like the best idea to me.
> That said, some laptops don't have middle buttons...
I think most modern apps use middle mouse button today for midi
connection. Laptops witch didn't have a middle mouse button often even
didn't have a midi in connection so there is nothing to loose.
And, for that case one can provide a midi table to choose connections
A click to "go here", seems on the other hand like a bad Idea for me.
Most time you have a underling adjustment witch have a much wider range
then the screen counterpart (the controller) represent so that it is
impossible to click on a point and get the wonted value.
But overall, a agreement about the different use cases of controller
keys will be very fine and useful for the Linux Audio World.
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Received on Fri Nov 25 00:15:05 2011
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