Hello fons!
Having read the description of the dpl1, I was wondering, if you might
consider including a LADSPA version of this. It sounds very interesting. I
remember, that we had a few discussions and you occasionally mentioned, that
you could see a few flaws in currently used limiters. I find, that limiting
for me too, can turn into a bit of a hassle. It will work very smooth for most
of the song and then distort in two or three places, resulting in less
limiting for the complete piece, which I suspect wouldn't so easily happen
with your app?
In any case, thanks for this, it again looks like a very helpful tool.
Warm regards
Such Is Life: Very Intensely Adorable;
Free And Jubilating Amazement Revels, Dancing On - FLOWERS!
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"If you live to be 100, I hope I live to be 100 minus 1 day,
so I never have to live without you." (Winnie the Pooh)
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Received on Mon Dec 5 04:15:02 2011
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