On 12/05/2011 03:22 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> Hello all,
> Trying out Ardour3 but I'm blocked...
> I deep-copied an existing A2 session, paradiso-2, to /audio/ardour3-sessions.
> But A3 complains that it can't find the audio files in
> /audio/ardour3-sessions/paradiso-2/interchange/paradiso-2/audiofiles
> which is the right place, and the files are there.
for some reason, a3 handles the directory names in a different way when
it comes to underscores and hyphens, i think. you might find that your
directory is actually named interchange/paradiso_2 or something. just
add the correct name to the search path when a3 prompts you, and you
should be fine.
i have one session which i want to use with both a2 and a3 (works
because a3 will always leave an a2-compatible backup session named
$FOO-1.ardour when it imports), and somehow i had to add a symlink in
interchange/ to make it work (ln -s NAME_AS_A2_THINKS_IT_SHOULD_BE
haven't gotten around to reporting it yet...
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