Well I must say,
as a musician the things you can do with linux amazed me.
To reach a larger public things have to be more fancy / more use friendly.
So you would use it as an user without programming background.
On 07-01-12 11:55, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas wrote:
> On Friday 06 January 2012, Dan Muresan wrote:
>> As an aside, I wish more applications used Jack MIDI instead of ALSA. It
>> would make applications easier to connect... True, there is a2j, but it
>> doesn't seem to work in all circumstances.
> The decision about using one MIDI API or another, one GUI framework or
> another, one programming language or another, in my case depends only on what
> I find the best suitable tools for a task. I can't care less about the latest
> fashion, or the most popular thing, because in that case I would not be
> writing Linux applications. You know: Linux usage is absolutely marginal, also
> among musicians and audio professionals. I find Jack MIDI unsuitable for my
> use cases, so I usually don't use it.
> Regards,
> Pedro
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