Re: [LAD] Kontakt sampler format (Chicken Systems Translator)

From: Brett McCoy <idragosani@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Sep 03 2012 - 23:23:54 EEST

On Mon, Sep 3, 2012 at 4:10 PM, Tom's Lists <lists@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> So, until NI ports Kontakt to Linux, or someone else makes an equivalent or
> better sampler for Linux, we'll have to stick with some form of Windows.
> Unless I've missed it, has anyone gotten it to work with Wine, or through
> Windows in VirtualBox? I'm building a machine that will have most versions
> of Windows as VirtualBoxes, just to experiment with it, & to get away from
> Windows, albeit slowly, but this isn't my DAW, just a strong Linux (Fedora
> 17) box.

I'd be wary of running Kontakt in a VM, as you want a lot of RAM to
get good performance (especially if you are using multiple instances).
You be better off getting a dedicated machine to run it and use it
like an outboard hardware sampler (send MIDI out, get audio back, this
is exactly how I use it). Haven't tried it on Wine...

Brett W. McCoy --
"In the rhythm of music a secret is hidden; If I were to divulge it,
it would overturn the world."
    -- Jelaleddin Rumi
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Sep 4 00:15:02 2012

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