On 11/16/2012 04:57 PM, Louis Gorenfeld wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm the author of a free VST called Digits that has a Linux port.
> Recently, I put out a new version that has a full editor GUI, but was
> unable to get the GUI to work on Linux because VSTGUI 4 doesn't appear
> to have a Linux port.
> What do you think the best strategy (fastest, least code changes)
> would be to deliver a GUI for Linux users? I see on the JUCETICE site
> that there's a VSTGUI 3.0 port, and the old 2.2 VSTGUI that comes with
> the VST SDK has at least some Linux support (IIRC). I don't use any
> advanced features (just dials, labels, and sliders). Are either of
> these good options, and which would be best?
> Input from somebody experienced with this would be great.
> -Louis
Hello Louis,
You might want to contact Filipe Coelho (aka falktx).
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Received on Sat Nov 17 00:15:01 2012
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