[LAD] Introducing Qmingus

From: mutil <mutil@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Dec 04 2012 - 01:30:33 EET

Qmingus is a software tool for music learning, training and improvisation.
You can compose and play scales & chords at varying BPM and generate the

Qmingus is a front-end for the mingus
<https://code.google.com/p/mingus/> music package, written in python and
using the Qt framework.
It is free software, released under the terms of the GPL.

Here is a minimal website: http://pullbit.gr/projects/qmingus/
and development tracking will be here: https://launchpad.net/qmingus.

* It contains several bugs, some of them in the mingus package itself,
and I am not so sure about the correctness of some musical terms,
either. Therefore, any suggestions, ideas, comments, and of course
contributions, will be greatly appreciated.
* There is no documentation yet about installation, compiling etc,
Qmingus wiki <http://pullbit.gr/projects/qmingus/wiki/> will be the
place for additional information in the future.

Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Dec 4 04:15:01 2012

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