[LAD] [ANN] Sqorlatti 0.1.1 (music notation program)

From: M Donalies <ingeniousnebbish@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Jan 10 2013 - 04:37:04 EET

version 0.1.1 fixes a few bugs:
*Fixed bug when not passing in a filename at startup.

*Added COPYING file. Added copyright templates to src files. Fixed
About box text.

*Fixed some undo/redo problems with drag & drop of events. Editing
notes within chords and tuplets still have problems.

My announcement for version 0.1.0 didn't seem to make it to the list, so
here's a repeat:

Yet another music notation program to pollute the internet. It's still just a
baby, but it already implements at least a few bugs.

It's not really ready for general use yet. The user interface is still rather
lacking and there are way too few sanity checks, but it does read and write
native *.sqo files (an xml format), and supports a crude and low-quality export
to standard MIDI files. The Staff Editor can display standard notation and
tablature moderately well, and work is ongoing to produce better percussion
staff and chord staff display. Tracks can be nested. Staffs can be grouped. The
score format supports multiple simultaneous time signatures.

Currently, it's just for display and editing. There's no playback yet.


Download (bzipped source tarball):

It's written in C++ and uses Qt4. There's no config or anything yet, just Qt
project file. So, as an ordinary user:
1. Unpack to a directory of your choice and cd to it.
2. qmake
3. make
4. Install the Sqorlatti.ttf font. It's located in the fonts subdirectory. In
KDE you can install it by going to System Settings and clicking through
the tabs Computer Administration / Font Installer / Personal Fonts / Add.
5. To run, type
./Sqorlatti [filename]
where [filename] is an optional *.sqo file to open. A few example files are in
the examples directory.

If you open Staff Editor and the staffs looks huge and filled with garbage
characters, you forgot to install the font.

UserManual.pdf provides a small amount of documentation on how to use the
program. It's not all that well developed yet.

Developer documentation can be generated using doxygen. Just type
to generate html documentation in the doc directory. You can fiddle with
doxyfile if you want to generate documentation in other formats (e.g. latex).

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Received on Thu Jan 10 04:15:05 2013

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