[LAD] Sync Arpage to Hydrogen

From: Thijs van severen <thijsvanseveren@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 13 2013 - 23:48:19 EET

Hi all

i'm trying to sync arpage (jack synced arpeggiator) to Hydrogen:
in hydrogen i enabled jack transport + set hydrogen as master
Arpage gets triggered when i hit play in hydrogen, but it does not do what
i expect it to do (the tempo is all 'weird')
if i do the same with qtractor, ardour or the jack_transport utility as
jack master everything works as expected

now i'm trying to find an easy way to see if there is any difference
between the way hydrogen and the other apps start/stop/'master' the jack
transport, but so far i cant see any difference
is there any app/utility that can give me detailed info about jack
transport ?

i have logged a ticket (including a screen recording @ bottom of the
ticket) of this strange behavior :

any tips ?


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Received on Mon Jan 14 00:15:04 2013

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