Hi Jeremy
no bug, but i'm looking for a way to change the config of qmidiroute (in
other words : the routes/filters in qmidiroute) on the fly.
the reason why i'm asking this is because i'm working on a _live_ setup
that involves several softsynths that need to be configured/connected in
different ways depending on the song.
so the goal is to have a single button on my midi controller for each
configuration (currently 1song=1config)
so when i hit that button the correct routes/filters for song 1 are loaded
in qmidiarp (+the softsynths are set to the correct preset, but that
already works)
i guess i'm looking for a way to load a qmidiroute preset based on an
incoming midi message
i was thinking about adding a new output type ('local program change' or
something like that) where you could then configure the name of the preset
you want to load ...
by adding a new output type i could also make use of the existing input
filter settings
any ideas ?
2013/11/6 Jeremy Jongepier <jeremy@email-addr-hidden>
> On 06-11-13 08:47, Thijs van severen wrote:
> > hi all
> >
> > does anyone know if qmidiroute is still alive, and if so, who is
> currently
> > maintaining it ?
> > i found this git repo : https://github.com/royvegard/qmidiroute
> > but i cant find a way to contact the owner of this repo (Roy Vegard
> Ovesen)
> >
> > grtz
> > Thijs
> Hello Thijs,
> QMidiRoute used to be part of the alsamodular project:
> http://alsamodular.sourceforge.net/
> Guess it still is? Latest additions have been made by emuse and if I'm
> not mistaken that's Frank Kober's handle who's currently maintaining
> QMidiArp. But did you find a bug or do you have a question about the
> functionality of QMidiRoute?
> Best,
> Jeremy
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