Re: [LAD] JACK latency API clarifications

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Feb 21 2014 - 22:00:57 EET

On Fri, Feb 21, 2014 at 08:34:16PM +0100, Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
> having wired up a complex signal graph, which for the most part
> depends on the studio, not on the project at hand, and then having
> to deal with different projects in different sample rates.
> ...
> as it is now, i have decided to do _everything_ at 48k (i have no
> second thoughts about a final resampling step), but if a client
> brings material at, say, 96k, i have to downsample first. sometimes
> i wish for an easy way to reclock a graph. obviously, nobody expects
> this to be gapless. fading everthing down and then taking a few
> seconds to reclock everything would be fine.

OTOH, if the 'studio' setup is not trivial and being used every day,
then you probably have a script or something else to set it up, and
having to resstart from 'cold and dark' is not a big deal.

One very practical reason for running the studio at a fixed sample
rate is having ADAT interfaces for example, which reduce to four
channels at 96 kHz. One way to do that is using a 'resampling'
Jack backend which is itself a Jack client.


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Received on Sat Feb 22 00:15:02 2014

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