On 05/30/2014 10:00 PM, Adrian Knoth wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm sure there must be users out there who are familiar with web stuff
> and are burning to help their favourite inter-application audio
> framework. ;)
> Step up, please.
> PS: There is also a semi-complete move to GH-pages. If your're familiar
> with github, you could be the ideal volunteer. ;)
> Cheers
GitHub-pages means, some kind of static site generator may be used?
Sounds good to me, even tough I'm not a web developer, getting some
experience something doesn't sound that bad.
I'd like to evaluate what i can do, would you make a list of contents
and requirements for a new page?
I got this from the other list:
> * the FAQ
> * applications list
> * API documentation
> * stuff that was on trac.jackaudio.org (which is a wiki)
Is the Trac currently used as a Project-management tool and will it stay
as such, or is it just used as a wiki? Maybe it's time to go through the
Information on the site and throw out some old stuff during the process.
I'd like to take this on, but it will take some time, as i have to get
into these things and certainly won't be using Drupal ;)
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Received on Sun Jun 1 16:15:02 2014
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