[LAD] Announcement: oschema, oscdoc

From: <tom@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jul 08 2014 - 19:48:33 EEST


i would like to announce some tools around OSC.

oschema: a format definition to describe OSC units

oscdoc: create HTML documentation from oschema instances

txl: a simplified text format that can be translated to XML (and vice versa)

Basic idea:
-Having a standardized, machine-readable format to describe an OSC API
-Derive "stuff" from description, like documentation, code skeletons etc.
-Let programs use OSC API dynamically by looking at definition

Proposed workflow:
-Write OSC API definition using txl (optional)
-Convert txl to XML (optional)
 cat my.txl | txl2xml > my.xml
-Use post-processing chain for desired output (i.e. oscdoc)
 oscdoc my.xml /tmp/mydoc

If i got your attention, please get a quick overview before cloning here:
http://lowres.ch/oschema/oschema.html (oschema documentation)
http://lowres.ch/oschema/oschema.svg (interactive structure)
http://lowres.ch/oscdoc/unit.txl (an example txl file describing an OSC unit)
http://lowres.ch/oscdoc/unit.xml (corresponding XML file, oschema instance
http://lowres.ch/oscdoc/index.html (output of oscdoc)

Please let me know when you find anything unclear or missing.

Have nice day

Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 8 20:15:03 2014

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