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Linux Audio Conference 2015 - Call for Participation
(Due to exceptional circumstances, this announcement comes a bit late,
so please note the early deadline of Feb 1st for submissions. We
We are happy to announce the next issue of the Linux Audio Conference
(LAC), April 9-12, 2015 @ JGU | Johannes Gutenberg University, in
Mainz, Germany.
The Linux Audio Conference is an international conference that brings
together musicians, sound artists, software developers and researchers,
working with Linux as an open, stable, professional platform for audio
and media research and music production. LAC includes paper sessions,
workshops, and a diverse program of electronic music.
*Call for Papers, Workshops, Music and Installations*
We invite submissions of papers addressing all areas of audio processing
and media creation based on Linux and other open source software. Papers
can focus on technical, artistic and scientific issues and should target
developers or users. In our call for music, we are looking for works
that have been produced or composed entirely/mostly using Linux and
other open source music software.
The online submission of papers, workshops, music and installations is
now open at http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2015/participation
The deadline for all submissions is Feb 1st, 2015 (23:59 HAST).
You are invited to register for participation on our conference website.
There you will find up-to-date instructions, as well as important
information about dates, travel, lodging, and so on.
This year's conference is hosted by the Computer Music Research Group
(Bereich Musikinformatik) at the IKM (Institut für Kunstgeschichte und
Musikwissenschaft) of the Johannes Gutenberg University (JGU) at
Mainz. Being founded in 1991, our research group has been among the
first German academic institutions in this interdisciplinary field at
the intersection of music, mathematics, computer science and media
technology. In our media lab students are working almost exclusively
with Linux, and in our research we are also devoted to contributing to
the growing body of open source audio and computer music software.
We look forward to your submissions and hope to meet you in Mainz in
The LAC 2015 Organizing Team
-- Dr. Albert Gr"af Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany Email: aggraef@email-addr-hidden WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef
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Received on Sat Jan 3 16:15:01 2015
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