Re: [LAD] fftw_complex and C++11

From: Filipe Coelho <falktx@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jan 04 2015 - 16:44:49 EET

On 04-01-2015 13:56, Aurélien Leblond wrote:
> Well all the plugins in ams.lv2 are coded in c++ and are compiled with
> the c++11 standard.
> But when ported the FFT Vocoder, it only compiles when using the c99
> standard.
> So I guess yes, I would like to rewrite the code from c99 to c++11.
Why not simply put that code into a separate file and build it as c99 as
originally intended?

As long as the headers are c++11 compatible it should work fine.
The actual FFT implementation can remain as-is.

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Received on Sun Jan 4 20:15:01 2015

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