On Sat, Jan 10, 2015 at 1:00 AM, Cedric Roux <sed@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> So people in the free world (that's /you/, and you know: freedom,
> sharing, knowledge, cooperation... those values, and I know you share
> and value them) don't know anymore how to type a few lines of html
> (public specs available where everyone knows) and resort to a private
> shitty company with its own agenda and goals to make a website?
Sorry that you feel offended, but we also have a proper website up at
http://lac.linuxaudio.org/2015/, and news and announcements concerning
the upcoming conference are also available through lad/lau and our irc
channel. And yes, I do know how to type html ever since the good old
days when Mosaic was the standard (and only) browser. ;-)
The Facebook page is provided as an additional service for those who
prefer to keep in touch that way. You don't like it for whatever
reason, fine, just don't use it. Simple as that.
-- Dr. Albert Gr"af Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany Email: aggraef@email-addr-hidden WWW: https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-dev mailing list Linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-devReceived on Sat Jan 10 04:15:02 2015
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