On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:26 PM, Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
> Regarding shortcuts for close/quit etc.: they are not always
> wanted. When I'm recording live I don't want any single key
> or mouse click to accidentally interfere with that. It's bad
> enough with e.g. Ardour's GUI - every single pixel of it will
> do something when clicked on, and the result is not always
> so benign. I've had a musician dropping his shoulder bag on a
> cable to a cardbus interface during a live recording. This
> ripped out the card and destroyed the mechanical card locking
> system. So having an accidental click or key pushed is not at
> all such a remote risk.
Hence the new "Lock" feature which disables all GUI interaction entirely
(except for a click on the lock window to unlock, of course).
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Received on Wed Apr 22 00:15:03 2015
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