Alexander Carot contacted me to spread the news:
Starting in April 2016, three research assistant positions (PhD
candidates welcome) will be available within the Soundjack project. If
interested, please contact Prof. CarĂ´t (a.carot@inf.hs-anhalt.de).
(copy-pasted from <http://www.soundjack.eu/jobs.html>)
I've been told one is TV-L13, the other is 75% and the third is 50%
(money equivalent can be found here [0])
The project will be about making music in a distributed environment,
contract will last three years (no idea if extendible).
Working from home is negotiable and even considered part of the project.
Candidates are expected to speak English, German is explicitly NOT
Feel free to forward to interested parties.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Mon Sep 28 20:15:01 2015
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