Hey All!
OpenAV has just pushed releases for Luppp, ArtyFX, Fabla, and Sorcer!
Release Video: https://youtu.be/s07wNn9Xc7s
But what's more, there's now an OpenAV Manual: detailed and useful
about all of the OpenAV projects, and what features they can do for you:
Short changelogs:
- JACK FX Sends per track
- Fixes for most (all? ;) known bugs, including:
-- timing issues with clips drifing out of sync fixed
-- audio fader volume not totally silencing output fixed
- More controller scripts: Launchpad S, APC Mini, APCKey 25
- UI improvements
- Documentation at http://openavproductions.com/doc/luppp.html
- 1st release based on AVTK
- New look-and-feel, same awesome DSP / presets
- No longer depends on NTK
- Documentation at http://openavproductions.com/doc/artyfx.html
- Documentation at http://openavproductions.com/doc/fabla.html
- Look and feel upgrade for consistency
- Look and feel for consistency
- Documentation at http://openavproductions.com/doc/sorcer.html
In all - quite a lot of changes! Releases available from the OpenAV
Github project page: https://github.com/openAVproductions
Packagers, on-your-marks, get-set, take it easy for the holidays,
but package in the new year if you want to :)
Special shout out to Gerald Mwangi (JimsonDrift) and George Krause
for thier pull-requests and contributions to OpenAV!
Happy holidays & new year ya'll :)
Cheers, -Harry from OpenAV
-- http://www.openavproductions.com
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 25 04:15:01 2016
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