Hi list. Strange problem here.
Any verification especially on other OSs, solutions,
comments, observations appreciated.
Neither QTractor nor MusE will open any DSSI gui
here on OpenSUSE Tumbleweed x86 64 bit.
I have built liblo-0.29, and to test, Hexter 1.0.3,
and removed their SUSE packages. Same problem.
I traced the problem. liblo *silently* fails:
liblo: src/address.c: line 594:
if ((ret = getaddrinfo(host, lo_address_get_port(a), &hints, &ai)))
I turned on hexter debugging, and added my own to liblo and hexter:
initOSC() url:osc.udp://linux-2lbs:19899/
.... [Some MusE output stuff]
hexter.so hexter_get_program called with 0
.... [More hexter program stuff]
hexter.so hexter_get_program called with 128
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 1
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 2
hexter.so hexter_configure called with 'DSSI:PROJECT_DIRECTORY' and './'
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 1
hexter.so hexter_get_midi_controller called for port 2
OscIF::oscShowGui(): v:1 visible:0
OscIF::oscShowGui(): No QProcess or process not running. Starting gui.
TIM: hexter_gtk main() start
hexter_gtk starting (pid 21264)...
hexter_gtk: listening at
hexter_gtk: rebuild_patches_clist called
hexter_gtk: update_performance_spin called for 'pitch_bend_range' with 2
hexter_gtk on_performance_spin_change: skipping further action
.... [More spin stuff]
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): osc_host_address:0x1c1e8f0
TIM: hexter_gtk main():
.... [More similar paths]
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): osc_update_path:/dssi_synth/hexter/hexter-0/update
TIM: hexter_gtk main(): calling gtk_main()...
TIM: hexter_gtk update_request_timeout_callback(..): calling lo_send(..)
TIM: liblo: lo_address_resolve host:linux-2lbs port:19899
TIM: liblo: Error:Name or service not known
[MusE error:]
OscIF::oscShowGui(): no _uiOscPath. Error: Timeout - synth gui did not
start within 20 seconds.
What's going on here? The name (linux-2lbs) and service
(port number 19899) are valid. That's the URL given to MusE
by liblo when we start the OSC server thread. And we pass that
to the gui executable.
When I run "hexter -test" the gui *does* appear:
TIM: TIM: hexter main() start
hexter_gtk starting (pid 23447)...
hexter_gtk: listening at osc.udp://linux-2lbs:16029/test/mode
hexter_gtk: rebuild_patches_clist called
hexter_gtk: update_performance_spin called for 'pitch_bend_range' with 2
hexter_gtk: update_performance_assign called for 'breath_assign' with 2
TIM: osc_host_address:0x90bc60
TIM: osc_configure_path:/test/mode/configure
TIM: osc_update_path:/test/mode/update
TIM: hexter main(): calling gtk_main()...
.... [gui is now showing]
hexter_gtk on_test_note_button_press: button pressed
TIM: lo_address_resolve host:localhost port:9
hexter_gtk on_test_note_button_press: button released
I added a full range of UDP allowances in my firewall and even tried
turning it off completely, thinking it was a UDP blockage thing,
but no luck. Something further to do?
The only difference I see is host "linux-2lbs" vs. "localhost"
but the former is in fact my machine name.
Hexter does a few tricks to run in test mode, so I'm not sure
how relevant the second test is (with "hexter -test").
The MusE Sequencer project.
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Received on Wed Nov 15 04:15:01 2017
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