Re: [LAD] Forgive me, for I have sinned, or: toss your Macintosh, as fast and wide as you can.

From: Ralf Mardorf <>
Date: Sun Dec 10 2017 - 00:59:47 EET

On Sat, 9 Dec 2017 09:44:02 -0500, Paul Davis wrote:
>​As a plugin host, Carla attempts (and generally does) allow plugins
>to use many different toolkits for their own GUIs.

Do you think that Fons is an idiot, not being aware of this? The issue
still remains, the more dedicated dependencies, the more possible
issues. However, let's ignore the GUI issue, for what purpose are
fluidsynth and linuxsampler dependencies of a host? Especially
linuxsampler is a serious issue for a lot of distros, regarding the
customized/invalid license. Actually the official Arch Linux community
repository provides linuxsampler, but you unlikely could mention much
more major distros supporting it by their official repositories.

Keep in mind that some distro's, such as Arch Linux follow the KISS
principle, IOW an app usually is build with the upstream defaults,
without excluding features. This at least could become tricky, as soon
as e.g. a dependency to Steinberg is involved. Maybe not regarding the
distro's policy, but at least regarding hunting for the current
Steinberg download link.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Sun Dec 10 04:15:02 2017

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