From the LAU list:
Am 08.09.18 um 17:23 schrieb Len Ovens:
> I would be willing to help with a govering body if there are others so
> inclined.
I'd definitely be interested in helping OSC staying relevant.
I've dabled with different OSC-to-X bridges in the past. [1] [2] [3]. My
main interest is controlling applications, which talk to some MIDI
device, running on a desktop or Raspi or similar, from another
application on an Android device, since MIDI and USB-OTG support on
Android devices is still somewhat a matter of luck.
The protocols I've seen so far, which embed MIDI in OSC are often too
simplistic. If I can't transmit Sysex, for example, it's no use to me.
And what is the advantage of the verbose commands MidiOSC/midioscar use
over just using the MIDI data type OSC provides?
Also, the MIDI specification has had a few additions in the past years
and a OSC-MIDI protocol hould make sure to support those as well.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
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