[LAD] Ninjas2 sample slicer plugin released (v.0.2.0)

From: Rob van den Berg <rghvdberg@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Jan 17 2020 - 14:06:20 EET

Hi all,

I've updated Ninjas2 audio sample slicer plugin.
Source and binaries (linux/windows/mac) are available at :
readme : https://github.com/rghvdberg/ninjas2/blob/master/README.md

From the readme:
Easy to use sample slicer, quick slicing of sample and auto-mapping
slices to midi note numbers.

# Intended usage:
Primarily targeted at chopping up loops or short ( ≈ 10 - 20 seconds)
samples. Think drum loops, vocal chops etc. Currently there's no limit
on imported sample length. User can play the slices using midi notes
and change the pitch with midi pitchbend.

# Downloads:
Linux, Windows and Mac binaries for several architectures are
available here. There are no installers, just unzip and copy the
plugin to an appropiate location.

# New Features
 - redesigned interface
 - controls are grouped in Global, Slicing and Slice
 - the Slice box shows the currently selected slice number
 - keyboard
     - click on key to play slice
     - red dot on key indicates which slice is currently selected in
the waveform display
     - keys that don't have a slice mapped to them are greyed out

# Known Bugs and Limitations
- some host don't work very well with the lv2 version
     - zrythm and qtractor had trouble with the lv2 version but worked
fine with the vst
     - ardour, carla and muse3 worked well with the lv2
- care should be taken when automating the playmodes and adsr
     - the automation is sent to the currently played note (slice),
when multiple slices are played, this leads to "undefinied behaviour"
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Received on Sat Jan 18 04:15:01 2020

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