Re: [LAD] Is there an LV2 plugin that can add echo like echo added by large cathedrals?

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Apr 09 2021 - 03:24:48 EEST

On 4/6/21 10:00 PM, Yuri wrote:
> I remember listening to the talk of researchers who were traveling to
> different old cathedrals, particularly to Hagia Sophia in Turkey, and
> measuring echo in these cathedrals. Such buildings add a lot of deep and
> very prolonged echo which depends on the building's shape and materials.
> They were quantifying the noise response too.

You could ask CCRMA for the Hagia Sophia IRs.

Alternatively has a
few very nice ones.

St. Mary's Abbey has a very long reverb tail, as does the Hamilton
Mausoleum. Also check out the Spokane Woman's Club.

The Lady Chapel of the Ely cathedral is amazing, too:

> Are there LV2 plugins that can add same or similar echo as cathedrals add?

Any convolver will do. Apart from the ones that others have already
mentioned: has a very efficient and reliable one with plenty
of controls. If you want a simple one with presets-only (incl. the
openairlib) check out:

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