Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] USB Midi keyboards / controllers
From: Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas (
Date: Sat Jul 06 2002 - 02:52:35 EEST
El Sáb 06 Jul 2002 00:25, nick escribió:
> Just wondering if anyone's has any stories to tell about getting these
> USB controller keyboards and midi controller boxes to work under linux?
I am using now two MIDI interfaces with Linux: a Roland/Edirol UM-2 and a
Midiman Midisport 2x2.
> I would hazard a guess that they use the standard usb-midi protocol (is
> there one?) and therefore should work like an external usb midi port..
There is an usb MIDI device class specification:
You can find an OSS driver for Linux here:
It has been merged recently with current kernel development tree (2.5.X)
There is also a new ALSA driver and an user space daemon here:
All of them are very new programs and perhaps not tested with your MIDI
devices. HTH.
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