Subject: [linux-audio-user] Re: [linux-audio-announce] ANN: Ardour basic recording and editing quicktoot
From: iriXx (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 00:13:02 EEST
er... i tried your link, looks really interesting, but i got this error:
Warning: User boosth_AT_localhost has already more than
'max_user_connections' active connections in ../webcount/webcount.php on
line 3
Could not Connect
Patrick Shirkey wrote:
> We are pleased to announce Quicktoot release number 5 - The Ardour Basic
> Editing & Recording Howto.
> The purpose of the Quicktoots are to provide a community resource of
> informative guides for using Linux audio applications.
> The Quicktoots are the brainchild of Dave Phillips the man responsible
> for the most comprehensive webpage devoted to Linux audio applications.
> The Linux Sound and Midi page. Your one stop resource for Linux sound
> software.
> This HOWTO describes the basics of editing and recording with Ardour -
> the most advanced Digital Audio Workstation that the Linux audio
> developers have to offer. Designed around the concept of making Protools
> redundant Ardour is fast becoming the professional standard for Linux
> digital audio recording.
> If you are in the position to link to any of the quicktoots please link
> to the main page. That way we can keep more accurate statistics on the
> amount of people viewing the pages.
> If you are interested in contributing to the Quicktoots in please let us
> know. All work must be submitted to either Dave or myself and we will
> give advice or make changes to ensure our publishing standard is met. If
> you are not able to send html don't worry because I am willing to format
> any braindumps.
> Enjoy.
-- iriXx www.iriXx.orgcopyleft: creativity, technology and freedom?
_ ( ) ascii ribbon against html email X / \ cat /dev/sda1 > /dev/dsp
"Gag me with a Volvo!" - Linus Torvalds
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