Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Brian Redfern (
Date: Wed Jul 10 2002 - 21:54:53 EEST
The problem is that your cd is probably wired to the cheesy laptop
soundcard, so you'll need to rip mp3s or oggs off the cds, unless there's
a way to send the cd out through the usb through software. By the way,
hows the performance on the usb audio interface, is the latency ok, (I've
never tried usb audio but am curious).
On Wed, 10 Jul 2002, Joseph Zitt wrote:
> I know I've probably forgotten something simple here, but checking
> FAQ's, HOWTO's, and R'in T other FMs didn't help:
> Since reinstalling Red Hat 7.3 on my Dell Latitude CPi D266XT laptop,
> with sound handled by an external Roland UA-30 USB audio interface,
> playing CDs via the GNOME CD player, cdplay, or grip no longer produces
> any sound. (Apps that don't involve the CD work fine.) I have a feeling
> I've missed one setting somewhere. Could anyone point me toward this
> information?
> Thanks for any enlightenment...
> --
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