Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] CD audio
From: Mark Constable (
Date: Mon Jul 15 2002 - 10:48:50 EEST
Joseph Zitt wrote:
> Yup, I did the ./configure;make;make install for the driver, lib, utils,
> and each of the tools, in that order, as instructed.
A "./build" and "make" in the top dir should do all this.
> Hmm... looking in /lib/modules I see I have both 2.4.18-3 and
> 2.4.18-3custom, though I'm unclear as to why. But a find for those names
> in either fails.
What does this script show when you run it ?
I call it /usr/local/sbin/AlsaModules and it needs a chmod +x, then
just run, and if you care to, mail me the results.
VER=`uname -r`
SND=`find /lib/modules/$VER/kernel/sound -type f -name "snd-*" | sed
s/\.o$// | sed 's/^\/.*\///' | sort`
for i in $SND; do
[ $CNT -eq 1 ] && A=$i
[ $CNT -eq 2 ] && B=$i
[ $CNT -eq 3 ] && C=$i
[ $CNT -eq 4 ] && D=$i
[ $CNT -eq 4 ] && printf "%-18s %-18s %-18s %-18s\n" $A $B $C $D &&
cat /proc/pci | grep "Multimedia audio controller"
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