Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] alsaplayer won't give window
From: jordan muscott (
Date: Wed Jul 17 2002 - 19:46:14 EEST
>>Have you got gtk, and the gtk header files installed ?
>Hi Jordan,
>well, I'm not 100% sure. as a debian user, I'm using packages; I can't
>find a package called "gtk, or gtk-headers", but other gtk packages seem
>to download and run just fine. What is gtk exactly (abominable
>ignorance manifests itself...).
hehe - sorry, that last comment made me crack up ....
well, im not using debian, so i don't know what the debian packages are called, but gtk ( == gimp tool kit) is just a library that allows programmers to build gui's -- for example it contains loads of 'widgets' such as windows, toolbars, and buttons. Gnome apps use gtk, so if you've got gnome installed you'll definately have gtk (but maybe not the headers. ) Other well known apps that make use of gtk are the gimp , abiword and ....alsaplayer.
i think this is where a debian user has to step in to make sure you've got the right packages installed...
regards, jordan..
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