Subject: Re: [linux-audio-user] sfront 0.82 5/24/02 released
From: John Lazzaro (lazzaro_AT_CS.Berkeley.EDU)
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 23:08:22 EEST
> Pat Pagano writes:
> will sfront work prperly under osx?
I wouldn't recommend using the "mac_carbon"
audio drivers that ship with sfront 0.82,
so in that sense sfront 0.82 is only useful
on OS X for file rendering.
However, I've been working on the CoreAudio
drivers for a few months now, and they are
coming along well -- I have a TiBook so I
can actually do decent real-time testing,
etc. I'm hoping that an sfront 0.83 will
include these drivers, probably in the
next month or so ...
> might you discuss if and any morphing tools available in it?
No one, to my knowledge, has written SAOL
programs that do morphing yet --
John Lazzaro -- Research Specialist -- CS Division -- EECS -- UC Berkeley
lazzaro [at] cs [dot] berkeley [dot] edu
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